Nothing Important Happened Today

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Tennis is a fun yet very hard sport. Ugly duckling and I have decided to take this sport up. We have no idea how to play so we just hit the ball and run after it. So far we have been twice this week. It is a great way to get your exercise in. Ugly duckling and I decided to buy tennis rackets at the DI. Duckling named her racket something but I forgot, and I named mine Leon Monroe. It had the initials L.M. on it so I thought why not. I brought Leon home and my sister and dad told me that it was not a tennis racket but a badmitten racket. I did not want to hurt Leon's feelings so I still pretend that he is a tennis racket when I am around him. He has no idea. So keep it on the hush hush.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

My poor kitty

It is a sad time right now for my kitty and me. The other day I came home from work and was petting my cat when I saw a nice clean open skin tear on her lower belly. It is about the size of a silly putty container(maybe a tad bit smaller). I do not know what exactly it is or what it is from. All I know is that I can not afford to take her to the vet so I am going to let it heal on its own. Hopefully it will not get infected or I will be in trouble. She also has two sores on her spine. She hisses at me when I get by it. They seem not to bother her anymore because she just looks at me funny when I pet near it. I can't let her outside for a while and now she hates me because of it. The wilderness is her life. Putting a bandage on her sore would be, of course, impossible because of the location and the fur.
I have finally been to the German store in Salt Lake. Hurray for me. I guess I have been once before though.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's raining men

I started a list of the 100 hottest male celebrities. So far I have a whopping 31 delicious men. Maybe I should make it the 50 hottest men because I can not think of anymore that deserve to be on my list. Hugh Jackman is on my list which brings me to my next story. I saw X3 this past weekend. It only gets 2 1/2 stars on my review because I was not impressed. I would see it again but I might need to take a quick nap during it. There were too many characters and I could not keep up with all of there different problems. Yes, I know that the X-men comic has a lot and a lot and a lot of different characters but I think they should have kept to the same people as in the first two films. It was like no one had a major part just minor ones.
Another show I saw this weekend was The Ringer. I give it 3 stars. It was cute and funny and it helps that the main guy is good looking. Yes, Johnny Knoxville is also on my list. Until my next blog, farewell.