Nothing Important Happened Today

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Farewell class of 2006

The time has come to say goodbye to the 2006 TV schedule. Though most shows will be returning to see the year 2007, here is a list of shows that will not:

Alias- this show has been on for 5 years and I will not miss it one bit. My sister will though.
The West Wing- 7 years, 24 Emmys, and I still did not watch one episode.
7th Heaven- How long was this show on? 50 years?
Will and Grace- 8 years- "C-3po wasn't gay, he was British."- Will
Charmed- 8 years- longest running female leads show. I do not know if that is a good thing or not but I will miss the hot guys in this long running series.
That 70's Show- 8 years- These teens have left the basement. Goodbye Wisconsin.
Arrested Development- No comment
Malcom In the Middle- So long seven years of wasted time slot. The next mission is to rid the television of the dreadful reruns.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The countdown begins

Bright light city gonna set my soul Gonna set my soul on fire Got a whole lot of money that's ready to burn,So get those stakes up higher There's a thousand pretty women waitin' out there And they're all livin' devil may care And I'm just the devil with love to spare Viva Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas...
I had no idea I could change the color on the words. Well, I did but I just did not think to do it so let us see how this color turns out. Yes, it is true...Only two more days until Vegas. Hurray! I am so excited to sleep in a nice comfortable hotel bed. Hotels are the best. The Paris better not stink like smoke in all the rooms like I have heard. Yuck! I guess I will get used to it if it does smell like smoke, and on the bright side, it will remind me of Germany.
This week I have seen two new movies. They go by the name of Just Friends and The Family Stone. I give Just Friends two stars and The Family Stone three stars on my scale of four stars. I laughed so hard during the part on Just Friends when the main character slides back down the snow slope on the plastic stretcher and flips over. It was so funny to me because it was so fake looking. It caused me to almost choke on my doughnut. I loved the fighting scene on The Family Stone between the two brothers on Christmas day. My mom also liked this movie until my sister said she did not like it and so she changed her mind. I think she really does. Another show that I have seen in the past month is Match Point. My sister will not watch it with me because it is rated R. This show does not need to be rated R. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is worse than Match Point. It is barely a pg-13 movie. I personally liked it a lot and will give it three stars. My time is up. Finally, I have a 1/2 long blog to call my own.

Monday, May 01, 2006

just gabbing

Not much to talk about but I thought it was time for a new blog. Finally, Grey's Anatomy was a new one last night. I felt like I was watching the season premiere because it has been so long since a new one was on. It was a pretty good episode. I think George and Izzie need to hook up. We also had a little family party last night. Frogkisser's friend came over during our family party even though she told him not to. He just sat there and ate our food.
Saturday night a bunch of us went to a drive-in and saw Ice Age 2 and She's the Man. It was fun. The last time I was at a drive-in was when I was very little and Dennis the Menace was playing. I want to go again. It is a nice change of activities. That is all I have to say for this blog.